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Proboscis Shim Hoe
A long handled Hoe, designed for pulling carefully backwards, in deep borders. £45.00 + VAT

HO1 Dutch or Scuffle Hoe
Hooped 90mm wide Dutch or Scuffle Hoe. A light tool made to a traditional design using the hardest carbon steel. Their lightness, and their uncommonly found widths, make them special. £45.00 + VAT

HO2 Dutch or Scuffle Hoe
Hooped 115mm wide Dutch or Scuffle Hoe. A light tool made to a traditional design using the hardest carbon steel. Their lightness, and their uncommonly found widths, make them special. £45.00 + VAT

HO4 Swan-Necked Parsnip Hoe
Swan-Necked Parsnip Hoe. Our draw hoes come with either short or extended necks. SILHOUETTE INDICATES SHAPE They are usually made to order, although we carry a small stock, which are forged on the anvil and then welded to hard steel blades. Up to 130mm. £45.00 + VAT

HO5 Long Swan-Necked Draw Hoe
Long Swan-Necked Hoe. Our draw hoes come with either short or extended necks. SILHOUETTE INDICATES SHAPE They are usually made to order, although we carry a small stock, which are forged on the anvil and then welded to hard steel blades. Up to 130mm. £45.00 + VAT

HO6 Short Swan-Necked Draw Hoe
Short Swan-Necked Hoe. Our draw hoes come with either short or extended necks. SILHOUETTE INDICATES SHAPE They are usually made to order, although we carry a small stock, which are forged on the anvil and then welded to hard steel blades. Up to 130mm. £45.00 + VAT